The Spotlight Turns on Court Workers

The Judiciary undoubtedly plays a significant role in the process of speedy delivery of quality justice. Whenever discussions on reform of the Nigerian Judiciary comes up, the Judges become the focal point of all attention, however, effective justice delivery can only be achieved through more comprehensive and holistic efforts. There is need for reform efforts to also be directed at the court workers in whose hands the efficiency of the court processes lie. Effective Documentation and Information management system is also an important factor for the efficiency of any organization or sector. Most of the delays experienced within the Enugu State Criminal Justice Sector have been strongly linked to the non-existence or inadequacy of systems in place for the management of Inmates and witnesses’ information.

Court Workers Training
Court Workers Training

The Justice for All (J4A) Programme is a DFID funded programme aimed at ensuring speedy delivery of criminal justice in Enugu State. The Programme which commenced with the identification of the causes of the various challenges within the State’s criminal justice system has begun a series of interventions expected to improve the state of the Criminal justice system. One of such interventions is the acceleration of the justice delivery process through the development of a Handbook for the training of court workers.

Another is the introduction of Case Management Systems in the Nigerian prisons Service (NPS), Ministry of Justice and State Criminal Investigation Department of the Nigerian Police Force, all in Enugu State. However, in order to ensure the effective handling of information with the Judiciary, from 24th to 26th of April 2013, Court Registrars and Clerks were trained on the use of the Witness Tracking Form, the filling of control forms and data entry process in the Enugu State Judiciary Case Management System. The training which took place at the Enugu State High Court Complex had about 37 participants in attendance.

The J4A programme also recognised and acted on the need for a Court Workers’ Handbook that will serve as an effective information and capacity building tool. The Handbook is a compilation of Written Laws (High Court, Magistrate Court and Customary Court Rules and Procedures, Criminal Procedure Law, law of Evidence, Sheriff and Civil Process Act, Constitution), Ethics, general practice and usage in court as it affects the court worker. Its’ contents encompass the duties and responsibilities of the court worker, as well as the effective ways of discharging them. After the development of the Court Workers Handbook, from 30th May to 10th June 2013, eighty three (83) Court Registrars and Clerks were trained on its provisions. Participants at the training include: Eleven (11) Registrars from Nsukka Judicial Division and Magisterial District, Six (6) Registrars from Agbani Judicial Division and Magisterial District, Two (2) Registrars from Oji River Judicial Division and Magisterial District, Three (3) Registrars from Udi Magisterial District, Four (4) Registrars from Owelli Magisterial District, Two (2) Registrars from Agwu Magisterial District, Eight (8) Registrars from various Customary Courts, Ten (10) Bailiffs and Forty Seven (47) Registrars from Enugu Judicial Division, Enugu East, Enugu North and Enugu South Magisterial District.

The training proved to be highly successful as the participants affirmed that the training session enabled them acquire the requisite knowledge for their various positions, as well as their role in ameliorating the incessant delay in Justice delivery within the State. They also added that such training should be carried out periodically to encourage the effective and efficient execution of their duties.
