Illicit Drug and Drug Abuse Campaign Seminal
PRAWA TEAM: Pharm. Nonso Maduka, Albert Oko and Ogochukwu Oguonu.
The problem of Illicit drug and drug abuse is having a tremendous negative impact in the World affecting every sphere of life socio-political, economy, Security, rule of law, health etc. but more disheartening is the effect on the young generation who have become the target of the drug trade basically because of their tendency for risk taking and the depth of their ignorance on the effects of drugs. This has lead to an increase in School dropouts, crime, violence and mental illness and other health problems among our youths. According to a staff of Federal Neuro Psychiatric Hospital Enugu, illicit drug particularly marijuana is the principal cause of mental illness among youths in the State.
Despite the efforts of the Government to curtail this trend more and more of our young people are daily being initiated into the use of these drugs particularly nicotine, alcohol and marijuana. In responses to this PRAWA have being carrying out illicit drug and drug abuse campaign in secondary schools in Enugu State and its environs. On the 16th of May 2014. PRAWA organised an illicit drug and drug abuse campaign in a Girls School in Enugu State. The Providence High School, Enugu. The PRAWA team was welcome by the principal/proprieties of the school Mrs. E.U Onwuagha. In attendance were 271 students with 26 staffs of the School.
During the seminar, Pharm. Nonso Maduka in a lively form educated the students and staffs on the health effects of these drugs. Beginning with alcohol, cigarette and marijuana. He also spoke on the dangers of abusing cough syrup containing codeine as this has become a trend among ladies in the State. The audience was also educated on:
(1) Relationship between these drugs and crime particularly prostitution
(2) How these drugs increases the risk of HIV infection
(3) The mental effect of these drugs on the uses
(4) The benefits of non-involvement in drug abuse.
At the end of the lectures, questions were entertained from the students and staffs some of which are:-
(1) Does alcohol cause miscarriages in women
(2) Does Amarula contain alcohol
(3) Why do smokers have dark lips
(4) Is coffee a hard drug
(5) Is sex good at this young age
(6) What is the effect of second hand smoking and others
At the end a survey was conducted among the students and staff to find out their awareness of the drugs. And, the result showed that the staffs of the schools were actually among the users. Copies of the book illicit drug and drug abuse Vol. II by pharm. Nonso Maduka was donated to the school.