Avocats Sans Frontières France condemns impunity, calls for a united stance against torture as an institutional tool

avocat“Evidence from torture may be considered completely untrustworthy”


Torture has been referred to as one of the hidden crimes of the world, not because people are unaware of its existence but because of the very nature of the place it often takes place and the people who perpetrate the act.

Statistics show that the inhumane and degrading acts of torture that take place in over ninety percent of countries around the world are committed by public officials or individuals acting in official capacity.

On this international day in support of victims of torture, Avocats Sans Frontieres France (ASF France) joins the crescendo of voices speaking out against torture and the impunity associated with acts of torture. The mission of ASF France is to give disadvantaged citizens the protection of the law through the provision free legal services to victims of torture by filing for the enforcement of their rights using the fundamental human rights enforcement procedure rules of 2009.

ASF France through its project, promoting the United Nations convention against torture (ProCAT), has handled several successful cases of torture in Nigeria since 2009. Perpetrators of acts of torture are held accountable by ASF France through the enforcement of rights of victims of torture by ASF pro bono lawyers in the three target states of the project: Enugu, Plateau and Kaduna.

Beneficiaries of ASF France, Mr. Shehu Adamu of Kaduna state and Mr. Ngang Gong of Plateau state both had their fundamental human rights enforced before the state’s high court when declarations were made to the effect that their rights had been violated through acts of torture.

The courts ruled that torture was a violation of laws contained in regional and international instruments. Damages worth N200, 000 and N1, 000,000 were awarded to both victims respectively.

The case of Mr. Chuckwunonso Aniagbogu in Enugu is currently being handled by ASF France. Chuckwunonso was arrested in 2010 for kidnapping and despite pleas of innocence was detained and at different intervals, shot three times in his right leg and denied medical attention each time.

ASF France condemns the use of torture as a state tool for investigations and encourages stakeholders and officials in the justice system to unite against this crime.

The ProCAT project is funded by the United Nations Funds for Victims of Torture.
