The organization and methods of work in the institutions shall resemble as closely as possible those of similar work outside institutions, so as to prepare prisoners for the conditions of […]
Agricultural production is one of the major activities within the Zambian Prisons Service. It includes both animal husbandry and crop production for the feeding of prisoners and sale to the […]
To ensure foregoing ends, personnel shall be appointed on a full-time basis as professional prison officers and have civil service status with security of tenure subject only to good conduct, […]
Systems of privileges appropriate for the different classes of prisoners and the different methods of treatment shall be established at every institution, in order to encourage good conduct, develop a […]
The progressive inmate incentive system in Zambia prisons gives prisoners the chance to become leaders among their peers. Prisoners that have been of good behavior are promoted to three different […]
A lot of prisons in Africa were inherited from the colonial era where the prison environment was established is with the intention of punishment, deterrence, and incapacitation. As the world […]
HIV/AIDS is a pandemic with international impact and prison inmates have not been spared from its devastating effects. Zambia Prisons service has put in place measures to mitigate the effects […]
Although this section of the UNSMR advocates for keeping inmates busy during the hours of a normal working day, the Mpima Remand Prison has gone an extra length of not […]